Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Eight Months Old

Mya turned 8 months old on June 7.

By the time Mya turned 8 months old she:
*was a pro at crawling
*could say Dada and Mama
*would pull up on everything she could get her hands on
*pulled up on her pink chair and let go a couple of times
*really began to show her sense of humor
*loved for us to say an animal and the sound it makes
*still wore a size 2 diaper
*would eat applesauce (still prefers veggies to fruits)
*got her first tooth on bottom
*has an amazing attention span

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mya and her Sam

Sam continues to be Mya's favorite of our 3 dogs. He doesn't mind when Mya pets him, pulls on his ears, and climbs on him. Although Mya loves Gabe and Gracie as well, they usually run away from her.