Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...

Mya had been trying so hard to roll from her back to her tummy. She could roll over but couldn't quite get that arm out at the end to lift her head up. Well, she got it! I took these pictures Saturday, February 27. Since then, Mya rolls from back to tummy every chance she gets. This makes diaper changing time pretty interesting!

So, before she turned 5 months old, Mya had successfully rolled on both sides, rolled from tummy to back, and rolled from back to tummy! We are so proud of her! Mya's pediatrician was impressed, as well, that she had already done these things. She got a late start at working on all of this due to her broken clavicle when she was born. Mya is pretty determined though...we may be in trouble! :)

1 comment:

  1. Mya is growing up too fast,sure wish I could hold her and give her sugars.Love all of you bunches!!!!Toni
