Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Few of Momma's Favorites

1 Week Old

Here are a few pictures of Mason at 1 week old. He's sleeping on one of the quilts that his Aunt Toni made him.

Those First Few Days Home...

Mason enjoying a little nap.

Even though Mya was only 20 months old when Mason was born, she has always tried to be very careful around him.

Sweet kisses from big sister.

My mom made this blanket with his name on it for Mason. Mason Charles...his middle name is after my dad, Charles Brogdon. After we chose Mason as his first name, it occured to us that both of his names were tied to my dad because he was a brick mason.

Mason's hair was lighter than Mya's was, almost blonde. It also would get curly after a bath.

Mason's First Visit to the Doctor

During Mason's first week home from the hospital, he had his very first doctor's appointment. He looked so tiny in his car seat. I love pictures from those first few weeks that show Mya peeking in at Mason or just watching him. It was a very big change for Mya but she absolutely loves her little brother.

Mason weighed 8lbs at this appointment. He was 8lbs 3oz when he was born.

Mason getting measured.

His pacifier looks so big! He hardly ever took a pacifier at first. He will use one now occasionally but he is definitely not a die hard pacifier user like his big sister :)

Mya already starting to watch out for baby brother.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mason Charles Hendrickson

Our sweet baby boy, Mason Charles, was born on June 3, 2011. He weighed in at 8 lbs 3 ozs and measured 21.5 inches. He had a full head of hair and beautiful blue eyes...absolutely perfect!

Here are our favorite pictures of the birth of our precious boy.