Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Little Feet

This is a page from one of Mya's books.


Here's a little recap of how this experience went.

I took this first picture of Mya after I sat her down. She was trying to figure out the situation and then quickly decided that...

...she did not like this one bit!! Her whole little body tensed up. It took awhile before she would relax her hands.

Okay...maybe it's not so terrible afterall. She watched the mail man, the neighbors, and some birds.

Sweet little feet

She kept trying to lift her feet up.

Then she was interested in holding a blade of grass...notice the tongue out.

Oh, is that a smile?

Then she remembered that she did not like this one bit! The bottom lip comes out and...

...so sad! And not at all dramatic. :)

I love this sweet little girl!!!

Peek-A-Boo & Other Fun!

Playing peek-a-boo in the curtains is something Mya loves to do. She just discovered this on her own one day and thinks it is a blast!

Always ready to play some ball!

Yes, this is our baby girl with a coffee filter on her head. :)

I think Sam may be Mya's favorite. What do you think?

This is how Mya gives the dogs hugs. She will lean over and put her little head on them. What a sweet girl!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fun with Family!!

My Mom, Toni, and Savannah were able to come visit us for a few days in July. We were so happy to have them here! I know that Mya had so much fun with them.

My super talented sister surprised Brad and I with cakes to celebrate our 2nd anniversary. Are these not the cutest...coffee cup cakes with heart shaped steam coming out of them! Too perfect for us! She made these herself! One was chocolate and one was white and they were covered with fondant. We were impressed! Look out Cake Boss, here comes Toni!

This picture speaks for itself! :)

Toni got this shirt for Mya before Mya was even born.

Aunt Toni reading to Mya.

One pacifier in the mouth, one in the hand...just in case.

Ummm...think Gracie's comfortable? At least it was her and not Sam!

Oh man! Mya had THE BEST time playing ball with her Grandma! They were playing across the coffee table, almost like ping pong. It was too funny! Mya has quite the arm!

Mya was laughing so hard she could barely keep her pacifier in.

Yep...there it went! Too much fun Grandma!

Savannah and Mya

Mya looking at one of the books that Grandma Janie made for her...that's right, my Mom made her 6 homemade fabric books! They are great! Oh the many talents in my family! Fabric books...gonna save a lot of elderly people from getting smacked in the back of the head by a book at church. :) Mya would never do that!;)

Mya loves the new purple ball that Savannah brought her. Thanks Savannah!

Savannah, Mya and Grandma Janie

So glad you came to visit! We had so much fun playing, watching movies, shopping for Mya's new fall wardrobe, and of course eating cake! It was a blast! We love you bunches!!!

Sweet Girl

Mya loves to give hugs to Daddy & Mommy, the dogs, and her baby dolls.

I love these pictures!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nine Months Old

Mya turned 9 months old on July 7.

When Mya turned 9 months she:
*had added "bye-bye" and "hi" to her vocabulary (first words were dada & mama); she waves when she says "hi" and opens and closes her hand when she says "bye-bye"
*had her 2nd tooth come through on the bottom
*added sweet potatoes with corn, pears, banana orange medley and "real bananas" to her menu
*went for her 9 month check-up: weight- 16lbs 3oz, length 28in and was classified by her doctor as "highly opinionated" :)
*had become a little comedian with her fake sneezing and coughing
*had started clapping
*"talks" all the time
*LOVES the dogs & thinks its hilarious when they lick her
*cracks herself up :)
*loves playing with any kind of ball, her LeapFrog musical table, her cell phones, and her Fisher Price House
*loves to be read to and read to herself
*does not like getting her nails trimmed (I always feel like I've wrestled a baby alligator when I finish trimming her nails)
*gets so excited when we brush her teeth and loves to watch daddy and mommy brush theirs
*gives high fives
*has been "cruising" around the furniture for awhile now
*is getting to be more of a big girl than a baby (that makes mommy both happy and sad)

Such a sweetie! We love you Mya Jayne!!