Friday, May 28, 2010

My First Mother's Day

I had such a wonderful first Mother's Day! Brad, Mya and I went to Arkansas to see my family. We had a great visit!

Here are a few pictures of me and Mya from Mother's Day weekend.

These last few pictures were taken in Bible class at Pine Knott. I had to have a picture of Mya in that little classroom because I have pictures of me in that same classroom when I was little.

Here are the Mother's Day gifts that Mya made for me in Bible class (thanks for helping, Aunt Toni).

I LOVE being a mother. I am so blessed to have a beautiful, healthy baby girl and such a wonderful husband to share my life with. I am grateful to spend each day at home with Mya and see her learn and discover. These days, I can't get enough of hearing that sweet little voice say, "Mama, Mama, Mama." It melts my heart every time. :)

Lots more pictures of our Arkansas fun to come!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Six Months Old

Mya Jayne turned 6 months old on April 7. She's getting to be such a big girl!

When Mya turned 6 months she was doing so much including:
*sitting up by herself
*working on getting on her knees (she now crawls)
*still teething
*started eating cereal and veggies
*"talking" all the time
*goes to sleep on mommy's shoulder
*gets so excited when Daddy comes home
*started playing peek-a-boo herself
*loves remote controls
*started taking an interest in the dogs
*laughs a lot (she's has the sweetest laugh)

She's our "Brown Eyed Girl." So far, Mya's eyes are still brown like her Daddy's.

Her hair is starting to lay down a little these days.

Mya loves to play with her pink laptop.

It has all kinds of things to do on it, but Mya's favorite thing is to close it.

Mya playing with her "farm friends" book that her Mamaw got her. She loves it!

This is another one of Mya's favorite toys. Mya opens and closes this part of the toy over and over again. It says "peek-a-boo" when you open it.

Mya is growing so fast! She constantly amazes Brad and I with the things she learns to do. She's our beautiful, happy baby girl; and we love her more than she will ever know!